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Home > Bedfordshire > Ampthill > Kings Head

Kings Head

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Picture source: Hania Franek

The Kings Head was situated at 3 Woburn Street. This grade-II listed pub has now been converted to offices.

Listed building details:
Early C18 range of 2 storeys in brick chequered with dark blue 'seconds', rising from a deep stone plinth, (still retaining iron hocks, to which sheep were tied on market-days). No 1 has shallow eaves below a partly-hipped gable end, of which the ridge line runs at the same level into the tiled roof of No 3, which is partly masked by a brick parapet. The facade of No 3 is recessed a few feet behind the facade of No 1. Tiled roof lines of varying alignment and height show that the combined facades cover 3 distinct buildings of an earlier date of which a few interior features survive, notably an arcaded row of small lights forming a window in one of the ground floor rooms. No 1 has 2 windows, No 3 6 windows, all sashed in broad nearly flush frames. No 1 has 6-panel door within a simple wooden frame with light hood: No 3 has 4-panel door enclosed by simple but massive classical stone case with shallow hood. Over the door of No 3 hangs a large iron lamp (? 1800), with decorated pineapple finial. Ornate wrought iron frame for a hanging sign protrudes far out over door and lamp.

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Picture source: Hania Franek

Picture source: Hania Franek