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Home > Bedfordshire > Husborne Crawley > The Bull

The Bull

Date of photo: 2019

Picture source: Google Streetview

The Bull was situated at 31 Turnpike Road.  This grade-II listed pub was present by 1802 and closed in the 1960s. It is now used as a private house.
Listed building details:
House. Formerly The Bull public house. C17 origins, with later additions and reworkings. Colourwashed render over timber frame. Clay tile roof, half- hipped towards road. Main block is 2 storeyed, gable end to road. Later one storey and attics block projects from NE elevation. Road gable has canted bay to ground floor and 3-light casement to first floor. SW elevation has one 2-light window to ground floor and 2 2-light casements to first floor. Most windows have diamond leading. Off-centre doorway to SW elevation, with simple surround surmounted by cornice hood. Red brick chimney stacks, one in line with doorway other projecting from NE elevation.

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