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Home > Bedfordshire > Luton > The Parrot

The Parrot



The Parrot was situated at 470 Whipperley Ring.
I fondly remember the Parrot on Whipperley Ring, not a classic old pub like so many in Luton at the time. Indeed, I recall it being under construction in the early 1960s and it subsequently became my ‘local’. Saturday evenings would often start there before we caught a no. 28 bus into town. Around 1966-67, along with my oldest and best friend Terry, I worked behind the bar there, part time, and looking back I remember it as one of the most enjoyable jobs that I ever had, and I have had a few since then. I cannot remember the names of the Licensees at that time, but they were a lovely couple to work with. I moved away from Luton in the late sixties and my subsequent visits to the Parrot were infrequent, but I was saddened to hear of its demise some years ago. It was always a popular pub and I would think that it is missed.
Robin Clarke (July 2023)

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Noel Wilson 1991/1992 I visited Luton innthe v early 90' to see friends Angela and Lisa. Angela lived with her parents on Whipperley Way and Lisa lived just round the corner. I met Angela and Lisa in Kavos, they were with their group of friends. After the Kavos holiday, I remained in touch with Angela (days before the internet and mobiles). I had a great time meeting their friends in Luton. If anyone knows them, it would be great to catch up.