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Home > Berkshire > Upper Lambourn > Malt Shovel

Malt Shovel

Picture source: James Bradshaw

The Malt Shovel was situated on Malt Shovel Lane, this 500-year-old grade-II listed building was originally a bakery, becoming a pub around 300 years ago. Popular with the horseracing community, the pub closed in 2016 and planning permission was granted to convert the pub into flats.
Listed building details:
Public House. C18, 2 storeys. Colourwashed brick to rear, render to front. Old tile roof, hipped to right, chimney to left. 3 irregular casement windows to lst floor, 3 x 3 light casement windows to ground floor and gabled porch between 1st and 2nd wiACndows from left. Lean-to extension with 1 casement window to right. Modern single storey extension to left.

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