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Home > Buckinghamshire > Aylesbury > Rising Sun

Rising Sun


The Rising Sun was situated at the junction of Oxford Road and Castle Street. This pub was later used as The Royal Siam restaurant and has now been demolished. A 16th century inn, it was taken over during the war by my grandfather, Charles Keeble, who ran it until about 1955. It was an ABC pub and was replenished weekly by the ABC draymen and their horse and cart who came down Rickfords Hill from their previous delivery at the Saracen's Head.
Source: Mike Saunders

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Name Dates Comments
Geoff 1960/1962 I was Stationed at RAF Halton from January 1960 to December 1962, and in the latter part of my RAF training my colleagues and I used the Rising Sun as our regular Saturday Night watering hole. It was just far enough out of the town centre to make it less likely that RAF Police would make surprise visits, as they looked for underage, illegal consumers of alcoholic beverages. A jolly fine pub as I recall.