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Home > Buckinghamshire > Bourne End > Heart In Hand

Heart In Hand

Date of photo: 2013

Picture source: Movement80

The Heart In Hand was situated on Cores End Road and was later used as a Thai restaurant, which in turn has also closed.
From The Good Pub Guide 1983:
In summer it's pleasant to sit in front of this old brick and timber pub, with honeysuckle crawling up the pillars of the verandah, and hanging baskets cascading with flowers. Inside, there are brass-studded red leatherette seats around the dark tables neatly set for lunch, when there is a cold table with popular salads (£2.50); also ploughman's (£1.20), various filled jacket potatoes (£1.50), grilled trout (£3.20) and steaks (from £5.85). It's friendly, with an open fire in winter, and regulars' tankards hanging from the beams over the long bar counter - which has well-kept Wethered and Whitbread SPA on handpump.

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