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Home > Buckinghamshire > Chesham > Waggon & Horses

Waggon & Horses

Picture source: Movement80

The Waggon & Horses was situated on the High Street. This pub closed in 2014.
A solid red-brick pub at the bottom of White Hill and within barrel rolling distance of the old Chesham Brewery, it seemed to be on the point of closure for at least 15 years before its ultimate demise. Inside it was something of a tardis in reverse, i.e. it looked far bigger from the outside than it was inside. There was something gloomy about this place which would not have attracted customers. Of course a bit of dosh and the odd splash of paint here and there would have worked wonders but we are dealing with Punch Taverns here... It's not clear what the site will become as Chesham already has more than its share of vacant retail premises.
Chiltern Tatler - Spring 2016 edition

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Name Dates Comments
Mel Early 1960s I was a customer, & once or twice, a guest.The barman had a watch , which was presented to him, for me to hold whilst he washed glasses. He was a survivor of "The Amethyst Incident" & decorated.