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Home > Buckinghamshire > Wendover > The Wellhead

The Wellhead

Date of photo: 2014

Picture source: Movement80

The Wellhead was situated on Hale Road. Previously known as The Angel and The Crown, this pub closed in 1990 and has now been converted into two private residences.
I used this pub from about 1962 to 1965w hen I was a member of the RAF.  My unit was The Royal Air Force Institute of Pathology and Tropical Medicine attached to the RAF hospital at nearby Halton.
The unit was a small one with a total of approximately 120 officers and airmen throughout the world. The airmen used The Well Head virtually every Thursday night (payday}. There was an upright piano there and we arrived with our own pianist and had a right old singsong. On special occasions officers would come too. I had my RAF stag party there. I have in my possession a "The Well Head Inn" pint sized pot which was a small limited production. On the front is a picture of the pub and on the back "The Famous Country Inn, Wendover"
John Kerby (January 2020)

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