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Home > Cambridgeshire > Cambridge > The Criterion

The Criterion

Picture Source: Mike Pittock

The Criterion was situated at 15 Market Passage. The publican in 1916 was William Denyer.
Was one of my locals in the 1960s, always drank in the small front bar. There was a passage to the right that lead to the rear bar, which always seemed to get raided by the police, Friday and Saturday nights, dodgy dealing and the occasional drug (Purple Hearts) The barman in the rear had a lump of lead encased in rubber just in case of trouble under the counter, never witnessed its use.
Jeff Claxton (December 2017)

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Name Dates Comments
Mike Fleming 1958 A regular haunt for us in the late 50's before I went off for National Service. Great Trad Jazz band used to play there. Ken Vorsden on banjo!
Anita Bennett 1965 Always a lively pub ,in the 60s lots of American servicemen would come there,a jukebox great music and no trouble
Brian Barker 1961-1967 Customer.