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Home > Cambridgeshire > Peterborough > Bull & Dolphin

Bull & Dolphin

Date of photo: 1960s

Picture source: peterboroughimages.co.uk

The Bull & Dolphin was situated on Bridge Street.
Source: Mike Lewis
The pub was known as ‘the B&D’ and was the ‘in pub’ in the 1970’s. The pub held disco’s / played music in the back room. Sunday night’s was heavy rock night (playing the Who, Queen etc.).
What the majority of people remember about the pub is the ‘B&D Shuffle’. It was a song called ‘Love Won’t Be Denied’ by Len Boone. There was a dance routine that went with the song (I still haven’t mastered it even though it’s very simple) which was unique to Peterborough. The song only fills dance floors locally and still fills dance floors in Peterborough today. When the song is asked for further afield, even as little as 20 miles away, DJ’s have either never heard of it or play it and the dance floor empties.
Ray Cole (September 2016)

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