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Home > Cambridgeshire > Peterborough > Old Still

Old Still

Picture source: Darkstar

The Old Still was situated in Westgate Arcade and is now used as an art shop.
It used to be at right angles to the rebuilt 'pub'. It was a real 'spit & sawdust' pub, that served great real ale from jugs. When Queensgate shopping centre was built, the developers wanted to demolish this pub and the arcade. However they couldn't as the arcade was a public right of way. So they demolished the Still, and rebuilt it as 'The OLD Still'. (Trade descriptions?), but decided that the clientele was too 'down market' and on the re-opening would not allow anyone in with jeans and/or trainers!
Geoff Harman (March 2012)
Now used as a burger bar, retaining the Old Still name.
Bryan Lambert (July 2016)

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Date of photo: 1960s

Picture source: peterboroughimages.co.uk