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Home > Devon > Plymouth > Duke Of Somerset

Duke Of Somerset

Duke Of Somerset, Plymouth

Picture source: Jonathon Nelson

The Duke Of Somerset was situated on Wolsdon Street. This pub closed in 2009.

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Name Dates Comments
Alan Hooppell c1974 In the evening of day-release from BT, a class of us studied Maths for a Telecomms City & Guilds exam in the old Wyndham Sq. buildings. The young and bearded, maths teacher would give us a short break. Some of us ran up to the pub for a swift-one (maybe two on occasion!). Some who didn't partake, I noticed upon return to the class, were taking the other option of a bit of poker tuition! And yes, I did pass
Other Photos
Date of photo: 1940s

Picture source: Clive Schneidau