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Home > Devon > Plymouth > Prince Alfred

Prince Alfred

Prince Alfred, Plymouth

Picture source: Jonathon Nelson

The Prince Alfred was situated at 2 Clarence Place.  This grade-II listed pub closed in 2008 and is now in residential use.

Listed building details:
Planned terrace of houses, and former public house. Early C19. Stucco with stucco detail; slate roofs with deep eaves except for No.11 (left), some grouted, hipped on right (No 2, former public house); large brick end stacks.
Double-depth plan, the houses as mirror-image pairs, each pair with two front rooms and paired central entrance halls. No.11 is three storeys, the others are two storeys, each house a two-window range. Most with original twelve-pane hornless sashes, otherwise later horned sashes, those to ground-floor of houses within recessed segmental-arched panels; Nos. 2-10 with first-floor sill string. Paired pilastered doorways with moulded entablature and panelled reveals and panelled doors where original. No 2 (former public house) to right-hand corner has pilastered shopfront with moulded entablature with fascia over splayed corner doorway, two windows left of doorway and one window to return right of doorway.
Interiors: not inspected but likely to retain original features of interest.

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