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Home > Devon > Stokenham > Tradesmans Arms

Tradesmans Arms

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Tradesmans Arms closed in 2021 following a major fire. This pub was grade-II listed.

Listed building details:
Public house. C17 or earlier remodelled in early C18 and extended in C19 and C20. Plastered stone rubble and probably cob, right hand (east) gable end hung with scantle slates. The right hand part of roof is thatched with gable ends, the left hand section is hipped with raised eaves and clad in asbestos tiles, central axial stack with tall dressed slate shaft with slate weathering.
Plan and Development: 2 room plan with a central axial stack in front of which is a lobby entrance. The stack has a fireplace on its right side, which is not the original fireplace since there was a cross-passage to the right of the stack (passage partition removed) and there appears to be a fireplace in the right hand end wall. The left hand room has a lateral stack at the back and so this room also could not have been served by the axial stack. In the early C18 the left hand end of the house was remodelled and raised to a full two storeys. In the C19 a small shop was built at the right hand end and in the C20 an outshut was built at the back.
Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical. 1:1:4 window south front. The right hand half has eyebrow eaves in thatch over C19 2-light casement with glazing bars and 3 late C19 or early C20 1 and 2 light casements on ground with glazing bars. Doorway to left of centre with C20 glazing panelled door and C20 glazed porch. To left a late C19 or early C20 12-pane sash on ground floor and C20 casement above probably replacing a sash. Small section to left linking the Tradesman's Arms with Well Cottage qv has C19 6-pane fixed light shop window on ground floor with divided plank door to right and pentice and slate hung first floor above with C20 casement. Rear elevation has projecting lateral stack to right with C20 brick shaft, C20 bathroom extension to left with slate-hung walls and C20 single storey outshut.
Interior: Right hand room has closely spaced chamfered waney cross-beams, small fireplace in axial stack with C20 timber lintel and disused fireplace in right hand end wall behind C20 bar. Left hand room has early C18 moulded cornice and early C18 6-panel door in end wall,the fireplace has a C20 timber lintel. First floor left hand part has C18 2-panel doors. Circa C18 roof structure of straight principals with lapped and pegged apexes. The shop at left end has C19 glazed partition with glazing bars between front and back rooms.

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Picture source: Hania Franek