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Home > Devon > Totnes > Castle Hotel

Castle Hotel

Haarers Cruiser Cabin

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Castle Hotel was situated at 59 High Street. This pub was present by 1889 when the landlord was William Darke. The premises are grade-II listed and have been divided into three units, one of which is the Totnes Brewing Co pub at 59a.
Listed building details:
Earlier C19 refronting of older buildings. The old Castle Hotel, now subdivided and in 3 occupations, appears to have been formed in the C19 by the amalgamation of 5 separate buildings (including No 16 Castle Street), 3 storeys. Fenestration: 1:2:2:1:2 (No 16 Castle street). Hipped Welsh slate roof with rendered stacks. stuccoed masonry front with pilaster strips on quoins. Modillion eaves cornice.
1st and 2nd floors with architraved sash windows with glazing bars and No 16 Castle Street with splayed bay oriel windows with cornice broken round head of 2nd floor window. Nos 59A and 59B with modern shopfronts, but retain the pilasters and fascia of, former, early C19 shops.

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