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Home > Dorset > Weymouth > Hope Tavern

Hope Tavern




The Hope Tavern was situated at 22 Hope Street. This became a tavern in the 1850s having been a beerhouse before this. 23 and 24 are Grade II Listed early 19th century houses. 22A, presumably filling the gap that was the 'Middle Yard' is a recipient of the Weymouth Civic Society Annual Award for "good restoration and high quality new development projects". Hope Street was formerly numbered the other way round and numbers 23 and 24 would have been numbers 1 and 2 as the census shows number 3 as being the Hope Tavern that is the building that is now number 22. (Directory entries for Hope Tavern: 1851-1855 Just listed as Robert Brinsley beer retailer, 1859 Robert Brinsley, 1875 Mrs Elizabeth Brinsley, 1889-1895 John Perks and 1911-1915 Can’t locate.)

Source: Steve Turner

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