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Home > Essex > Brentwood > White Hart

White Hart


Picture source: Hania Franek

The White Hart was situated at 93-95 High Street. There has been a pub of this name on this site since at least 1480. In 2004 it became the Sugar Hut restaurant and night club.
I attended the school in Brentwood as a boarder in the late '50s- early '60s, and the White Hart on the High Street was a familiar sight albeit of course forbidden territory to young schoolboys, but as I became a bit older - and possibly braver, had the occasional illicit drink there. I note it is now apparently a restaurant which is fine, as the building has thus remained in use.
John Angell (December 2020)

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Name Dates Comments
Laura 1992-1997 Worked in the Ale Bar with Leslie,Nicky,Dan,Genny,was always with Dave Wonky Chef! Bless him.
Mark Pattison 1974-1978 Assistant manager / dogsbody. great times

Other Photos

Picture source: Hania Franek

Date of photo: 2015

Picture source: Darkstar