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Home > Essex > Dagenham > Farmhouse Tavern

Farmhouse Tavern

Picture source: Ewan M


The Farmhouse Tavern was situated on Dagenham Road. This pub closed in 2010.

I lived in this pub from 1953 to 1964;I was nine months old when my parents took over. It was a wonderful place to grow up in. The farm next door was run by WG Gay & Sons and as soon as I could walk I was over there playing. I drove past The Farm House just before Christmas 2012; what a mess it looked! Some great big white igloo monstrosity in the back garden. The farm has gone as well which does suppise me as there were at least two big Essex barns there. Also at the side of the Farm House Tavern was a massive Nissan shed, this was used to house Italian prisoners of war.
Phillip (May 2013)
As a child I would cycle to the Chase to go fishing. I recall that next to this pub, about 1950 or so, were the remains of a crashed aeroplane (wheels etc) and a number of cows skulls. These animals remains looked like the plane had crashed into a herd.
David Evans (July 2023)

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Ronald Stroud 2000/2003 Publican.
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Date of photo: 2013

Picture source: Colin Price