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Home > Essex > Sible Hedingham

Lost Pubs In Sible Hedingham, Essex

Name Year Closed Address  
Bell 46 Swan Street.
Black Horse   7 Potter Street.
Half Moon 22 Queen Street.
Hen & Chickens High Street Green.
Lamb 2 Potter Street.

Sugar Loaves

  175 Swan Street.

Swan Inn

  39 Swan Street.

White Horse

c2013 41 Church Street.
Windmill Hedingham Road.

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There are a number of old closed pubs in Sible Hedingham, the names of which are written in a local rhyme, most of which are now closed:

The Windmill's sails went round and round,

The Half Moon shone on the ground.

The Black Horse kicked the Lamb,

Which made the Bell to ring.

The Swan went swimming down "the street",

The Bird in Hand did sing.

The Sugar Loaves they were so sweet,

It made The Lion roar.

Which frightened The White Horse

Into The Carpenter's Arms,

And did not shut the door!