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Home > Gloucestershire > Winchcombe > George Hotel

George Hotel

Picture source: Hania Franek

The George Hotel was situated at 55 High Street. This grade-II listed pub closed in 1988.

Listed building details as at 1960
Pilgrims hostel, now hotel. Late C15, C16 and later with substantial late C19 or early C20 reconstruction of street facade. The street front is rendered and pseudo-timber framed but the open throughway contains heavy framing including an external gallery and much of the back is in dressed limestone; front slopes of roof concrete tile but considerable stone slate at rear. A complex building with a principal block including a deep projecting wing incorporating external gallery to left of throughway, and deep wing, right of the same. Two storeys, six-windowed, ranging from left 2 light and 1 light, then two gabled oriels on brackets, all casements with transomes, C19; to right two small canted oriels over a C16 moulded bressummer originally carrying jettied upper level. At ground level two garage doors, C19 mullioned and transomed light under gabled ones, a C20 door set back under tiled hood, a square 3-light bay under second gabled oriel, heavy framed doorway with initials R.K. (Abbot Robert Kyderminster fl. 1488-1527) in spandrels of 4-centred arch and heavy plank door with straps, this giving to throughway and gallery; to right 5 pane plate glass former shop front. The back wall in squared and coursed limestone with stone slates includes dates 1581 and 1706, with two continuous strips and various chamfered mullion 3 light casements,
blocked door with architrave, and a chamfered surround 4-centred arched door under a small single light.

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Picture source: Hania Franek