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Home > Hampshire > Hythe > Drummond Arms

Drummond Arms

Picture source: Darkstar

The Drummond Arms was situated on Prospect Place, opposite the entrance to Hythe Pier. This pub was originally a courthouse. It has now been converted to apartments.
Source: Derek Eddlestone
I used to frequent this pub for several years from 1983. It was without doubt the best pub in Hythe, Thursday night used to be the best night. Watch Top of the pops then down to the Drummond for the Thursday night disco. At that stage the squaddies from Marchwood military port were still visiable and several of them also used to attend the disco. The pub used to sell Stella which was a draw. From time to time it also stocked some more obscure drinks such as Moosehead and Newquay steam beer.
Carl Jackson (May 2017)

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