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Home > Hampshire > Hythe > Waterside Inn

Waterside Inn

Picture source: Keith Willsher

The Waterside Inn was situated on Jones Lane. This pub has now been demolished to make way for a housing development.
 I started drinking in here back in 1975 at that time it had an off licence in the centre of the building. We frequently used to buy the large (white cans?) of Fosters. It was only a couple of minutes walk from where I used to live in Hollybank. If I ever went anywhere on the bus coming back you would ask for a ticket to "The Waterside” I’m not sure what you would ask for now although I’m not sure that the bus still runs that way. Even though Watneys Red Barrel had long since bitten the dust a large plastic red barrel was on display for many years up until it was re launched as “Splashes” oh dear.
The Pub shut and re opened in the late 1980s as “Splashes” a theme pub as I believe they were called. Being young and trendy the male customers would normally be attired in a pastel coloured Le Cost jumper. Being a scruffy oik in a leather jacket and T-shirt being served could sometimes be an issue as it appeared to make me invisible to the bar staff. It was also one of the first places to have a video juke box, remember them? Unfortunately for the trendies the video juke box had The Ramones – Psycho Therapy, Sigue Sigue Sputnik – Love Missile F1-11 & Inner City Unit – watching The Grass Grow which we used to put on many times much to the distain of the trendies. The management tried to circumnavigate our entertainment by blanking out the choices on the machine for those songs. Sadly for them we just selected the blanked out choices. Eventually of course they changed the selection but the time of splashes past and it reverted to the Waterside. I think the last time I went there was for a meal in 2001 ish.
Carl Jackson (May 2017)

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