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Home > Hertfordshire > Hemel Hempstead > Halfway House

Halfway House



The Halfway House was situated on Marlowes. This pub has now been demolished.

In 1892 and still living in Wandsworth he married his second wife Sarah Ward (b1857) who came from Porlock Weir, Somerset. She was employed as a cook and worked for a family that lived in Bollingbrook Grove in Wandsworth. In the same year and taking a break from his profession as an engineer he became a licensed victualler and ran a Public house  called 'The Halfway House’ in Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead ,where their 3 children were born . Harold (b1893), Charlie (b1896), and Nellie (b1899). Sometime before 1911 they moved back to Wandsworth and took up residence in 39 Middleton Road, Battersea Rise where Absalom died in early 1911. Sarah stayed on with her three children.

Extract from family history Re: Absalom Wheatcroft

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