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Home > Hertfordshire >
Hemel Hempstead > Royal Oak
Royal Oak
The Royal Oak was
situated at 107 High Street. This building prior to being a public
house was used as a lockup probably around the 18th century,records show it was
a public house between 1882 till early 1970’s. The Royal Oak gained a
reputation of notoriety in its latter days. Having being refused any further
deliveries from the brewery but still having a licence to operate as a pub,
the landlady would purchase alcohol from other sources i.e. supermarkets,
off licence etc. Then resell across the bar at a small profit. The pub was
adopted by students and young adults, some of whom had been refused further
admission to The Kings Arms further down the High St. As the financial
problems with the Royal Oak began to become apparent, lighting was provided
by candles and entertainment from people playing guitars and percussion. The
pub was scorned by the local community because of its hippy image and the
pub was also subject to exaggerated claims of heavy drug taking.
The pub closed in the early 70s , the landlady was refused another licence
from the local magistrates due to objections, the brewery took possession
but never appointed any further landlords or managers. The pub remained
derelict for some years until it was converted alongside other adjacent
derelict buildings in Cherry Bounce to residential. |
Source: William O'Brien
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