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Home > Hertfordshire > Hertford > Flower Pot

Flower Pot

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Flower Pot was situated at 5 Railway Street. This pub closed in 1972 and was previously known as the Coal Hole. It is now used as bakers shop.
My parents, John Vincent Burke and Rose Burke, were the last licensees of the Flowerpot. I believe they moved there around 1955. When we lived there, the address was 5, Salisbury Square, and to start with there were two separate bars, both with open fires. Later, it became one large bar. It closed in June 1972, having been bought by the Council under a compulsory purchase order, to make way for a "space age" shopping precinct, which never got planning permission.
Cathy Kerby (December 2017)

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Other Photos

Picture source: Darkstar

Licensing agreement for The Flower Pot, 1928

Picture source: Tony Hadlow