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Home > Hertfordshire > Ickleford > Green Man

Green Man

Picture source: Gordon Carr

The Green Man was situated at 32 Arlesey Road. This pub was present by 1788 and rebuilt c1970. It closed in 2015 with new housing built on the site following demolition.

From Archaelogy Data Services:
In response to a planning condition on the redevelopment of land at the former Green Man Public House, Ickleford, Hertfordshire, the Heritage Network was commissioned by the developers to undertake a programme of archaeological investigation. A desk-based assessment of the site revealed that the earliest known reference to the Green Man was in 1788. A smithy was attached to the pub by the mid 19th century. The original building was demolished and rebuilt slightly closer to the road in 1970-71. Cartographic evidence has demonstrated that the car park remained undeveloped from at least the mid 18th century until the later 20th century. Two trial trenches, each measuring 15m long by 1.8m wide, were excavated across the footprints of the proposed new dwellings in the area of the former pub car park. Their sections demonstrated a substantial amount of modern made-ground sitting directly over the natural. It appears that the topsoil was completely removed and the entire site infilled with a modern levelling deposit, as a bedding layer for the car park. A modern land drain was exposed in Trench 1, but no significant archaeological features, deposits or finds were encountered during the course of the investigation.

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Date of photo: c1910

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Picture source: Hania Franek