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Home > Hertfordshire > Redbourn > Jolly Gardeners

Jolly Gardeners

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Jolly Gardeners was situated at 2 Church End. This grade-II listed building was used as a beerhouse by 1845 and is now a private house.

Listed building details:
House, formerly public house. C16 timber frame; C17 rear wing. C17-18 left extension. Plaster, painted brick and exposed framing. Steep plain tile roof. 2 storeys. Main part has its plastered upper floor jettied on curved braces. 2 C20 leaded casements. Rear wing has 1 casement and a C17 red brick stack at join with front block. Left extension is 1 storey and attics with thin vertical studwork.

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Picture source: M J Richardson