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Home > Hertfordshire >
Ware > The Albion
The Albion
Picture source:
Hania Franek |
The Albion was situated at 12 Crib
and was a backstreet pub which was
grade-II listed.
Ceiling timber was said to have been from a sailing sloop named HMS Albion,
hence the pub's name. The Albion closed in 2021 when the then-landlord
decided not to renew his lease. |
Source: Movement80 |
building details: |
House, now public house, with living
accommodation above. C15, altered C17 and early C20. Timber-framed,
plastered over brick on ground floor, continuous jetty with exposed beam
ends, and exposed studs and bracing with pebbledashed plaster infilling, on
first floor of No.12, jetty carried on brackets, and beam ends concealed,
with pebbledashed plaster first floor to No.14, at left. Old tiled roof,
with cruciform red brick chimneystack with oversailing course left, smaller
stack at right.
Exterior: 2 storeys. 2 bay structure with 2 upper rooms, now ceiled (No.12)
and cross-wing (former No.14), possibly originally of different build. Two
2-light early C20 wood
casements with leaded lattice glazing, in projecting wood surrounds on first
floor. 2 recessed early C20 three-light wood casements, with leaded lattice
glazing, and recessed central early C20 entrance door, on ground floor. At
left, in No.14, is recessed secondary entrance and adjoining boarded over
shop window on ground floor, with one boarded over window on first floor.
Carriageway on extreme left is part of No.16 adjoining. Gabled rear
projection of former No.14 with old tiled roof, 2 storeys, stuccoed, over
timber frame with brick underbuilding. Modern flat roofed single storey rear
Interior of No.12 ground floor exposed beams in ceiling show mortices for
part-partitioning of right hand (south) bay. No.14 used as store, and closed
off from left hand (north) end, and chimneystack and adjacent stair to first
floor contained within this structure, which forms a cross-wing. First floor
central room has exposed studwork at either end, with downward curved
bracing. In addition there is a freestanding braced tie-beam. Roof structure
2 bay crown post, unmoulded crown studs built into partitions, with fore and
aft bracing to collar purlin, and collars. Halved and pegged rafters,
subsequently reinforced with later inserted side purlins. Main roof extended
across No.14, probably in C17, but lower rafters, partly cut, indicate that
this structure had gabled roof at right angles to main structure. No sign of
smoke blackening throughout roof, indicating building unheated before
insertion of main C17 stack. The Albion was first recorded as an ale house
in 1845, and by 1866 had a skittle
alley in the carriageway adjoining. |
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