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Home > Hertfordshire > Whempstead > Gate Inn

Gate Inn



The Gate Inn was situated on Whempstead Lane. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.
Listed building details:
House. Early to mid C17, extended C19. Timber frame, rendered. Part cased and extended in stock brick. Steeply pitched tiled roof with slate on addition. 2 cell lobby entry. 2 storeys. Entrance slightly to left of centre in C19 weatherboarded porch with small pane casements, slate roof with ridge tiles. Flush frame small pane casements, ground floor 3 lights with hood boards, first floor 2 lights. Multiform ridge stack. Right end is brick cased with weatherboarded gable. Lean-to outshut on left end. To rear left is C19 wing with casements, hipped roof, rear end stack. Interior not inspected. Formerly the Gate Inn Public House.

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