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Home > Kent > Bexleyheath > Eagle Tap

Eagle Tap



The Eagle Tap was situated at 122 Broadway.  The Eagle ,known by some as the Eagle Tap, The expression Tap arose from the old Taproom where beer and liquor was sold or dispensed and came to be used for a small pub which sold only beer and did not have a spirit licence, as was the situation with the Eagle. The Bexley Rate books show that John Lovibond & sons Ltd, (Greenwich & Salisbury Breweries) bought the premises in 1898 The tenant at this time was H.Barron who continued the tenancy for a few years more. 1920 shows the tenant s Mr A.W.Woodward and 1929 as E.W.Purser. 1958 shows Mr James Garrard as tenant but 1960/61 shows L.Miles as the last tenant. The premises were sold by Lovibonds when they ceased brewing in 1960 ish. and sold all of their public houses to concentrate the business on Wine Merchants,/ Off licences.The Eagle did not form part of their parcel of pubs sold to Georges Brewery Bristol, (Later bought out by Courages) The Eagle was sold separately as the whole row of shops were due for redevelopment into one large store, This later became an Iceland Store.

Source: Frederick Edwards

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