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Home > Kent > Tonbridge > Druids Arms

Druids Arms

Picture source: Mark Whitewood

The Druids Arms was situated at 131-133 Pembury Road. This pub has now been converted to a private house called The Ancient Druids.
Source: Pete Leach
Fond memories of this pub. In the 1960’s I worked not far away at Wallace & Tiernan and on a Friday after we got paid my work mates and I would go there for a lunchtime drink. They served Bob Luck cider and I can still remember it being 1 shilling and 8 pence a pint. The landlords were an old couple called Mr & Mrs Cook. Their daughter Pamela was married to George Howell who I played cricket with at Groombridge as teenager. I don’t visit Tonbridge much these days but I believe the post that supported the sign is still visible despite the building now being a private dwelling.
Keith Grose (December 2016)

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