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Home > Lancashire > Warrington > Woolpack Inn

Woolpack Inn



The Woolpack Inn was situated at 37 Sankey Street. The publican in 1895 was Herbert Hollingsworth.
Source: Alan Barton
At the Warrington Police Court, yesterday, Mr. Edwin Wheeldon, manager of the Woolpack beerhouse, for Mr. Walker, brewer, was summoned for selling exciscable liquors in premises not licensed for that purpose. It appeared that Mr. Walker had purchased the Woolpack public house, which he afterwards enlarged, in order to meet the requirements of the public. The new premises were opened for the sale of excisable liquors on Saturday week, and the old portion of the building was shut up. The prosecution alleged that the new premises were of such a nature as to necessitate an application being made for a fresh licence, but admitted that portions of the new building were erected on the old site. After an hour's consultation, the magority of the bench was in favour of the defendant being find £5 and costs. An appeal was granted.
1872 Manchester Evening News clipping (Carole Ashworth, January 2017)

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