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Home > Lincolnshire > Donington > The Queen

The Queen

Picture source: David Gray

The Queen was situated at 49 Station Street. It was owned by the Soulby, Son & Winch brewery until 1951 when it was purchased by JW Green of Luton.

Source: Adam Cartwright

From Heritage Lincolnshire
This is a building identified as of historical interest by the South Holland District Council Local List. It is a good example of this style of building of this period and survives with only a few changes to its original construction.
Late Victorian two storey public house. It has a hipped tile roof with three chinmney stacks, it has a protruding central bay with gable end and window in the centre and a further window either side under a curved eave. The first floor is covered in red hanging tiles and the ground floor is built in brick with some mock timber framing between the bay windows and off centre door.

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