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Home > Lincolnshire > Gainsborough > Sailor Boy

Sailor Boy

The Sailor Boy was situated on Bridge Street.
I've been researching my family history and it led me to the 1911 census schedule in Gainsborough.
The last entry at the bottom of one of the pages reads "Found in street near Sailor Boy by police - Mr Watson".
Mr Watson must have been drunk outside the Sailor Boy pub on the day of the census and picked up by the police. He was probably incoherent and couldn't tell them his address so they could get him home, if he had one.
The census requires that a person be recorded at the place they were on the day of the census itself, in this case 2 April 1911.
If Mr Watson was incoherent outside the Sailor Boy then the census enumerator had no choice but the register him where he was found.
Alan Jackson (April 2011)

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