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Home > Lincolnshire > Kirton > Stag & Pheasant

Stag & Pheasant

Date of photo: 2017

Picture source: Simon

The Stag & Pheasant was situated at 1 High Street. This pub has now been converted into flats. The publican in 1937 was John William Emson.
Source: Tony Laverick
This was a Soames Brewery pub that was sold to Steward & Patteson in 1949.
Adam Cartwright (October 2012)
1840 - Advert in Stamford Mercury - To let - Large Brick & tiled shop suitable for blacksmith or carpenter - situated on Turnpike road near Stag & Pheasant public house: Enquire of T S Cooke of Grove Street Brewery, Boston or Mr Cotnam Fields of Stag & Pheasant.
Lynda Hotchkiss (March 2020)

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