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Home > Lincolnshire > Lincoln > Bull & Chain

Bull & Chain

Date of photo: 2015

Photo © Jo' Turner

The Bull & Chain was situated at 7 Langworthgate. This pub closed in 2012. It has now been demolished and replaced by flats.
Former Bull & Chain public house. The garden (north-west) was on land previously occupied by a row of possibly 3 stone cottages numbered 5, 6 and 7 before the 1880s. The frontage walls were retained as a boundary wall of the Bull and Chain garden against Langworthgate with doors and windows blocked up with stone. The wall was demolished in January 2013. This appears to have been the location of a pub since the 17th century called the Bull in 1673 and the Pyed Bull in 1727. The earlier pub was sold at auction to W H Brook in May 1876. The present building appears to date from the late 19th century with stables added in 1896 for A and B Hall (brewers). Hall’s brewery applied in 1922-24 for alterations and additions when the 3-storey eastern building was added, architect J Davis. Internal modifications were carried out in 1978 and 1986 and the pub closed in 2011. 2012-13 it was converted into residential use with a new rear extension. A search of my directories produced; 1823-1828 Jno Fisher (listed as in Eastgate); 1828 Charlotte Fisher (owner Elizabeth Rudgard); 1835 Charlotte Allen (nee Fisher? listed as in Eastgate); 1841-1844 Robert Pridgeon; 1845 Richard Read; 1847 John Wilson; 1850 Mr Parish; 1851 Mr Buttery; 1852 Thomas Witham; 1856-1861 Thomas Tawlks/Talks/Fawkes (listed at No.5); 1862 George Brown; 1868 unable to locate it; 1872 Joseph Priestley; 1874 Richard Baker/Barker; 1885-1889 Richard Barker; 1893-1894 Matthias Smith (listed at No.7); 1894-1896 Peter Carter; 1896-1897 Stephen Chandfield/Cranfield; 1901-1909 Charles Tuxford; 1913-1919 Arthur William Smith; 1965 H. Wilson.
Steve Turner (January 2022)

From Lincolnshire Heritage:
Six sherds of redeposited Roman greyware and shell-tempered pottery were recovered in May 2012, during trial trenching on the site of the former Bull and Chain public house, at 7 Langworthgate, Lincoln. A further three sherds of redeposited Roman pottery were recovered in 2013, during subsequent archaeological monitoring of new development at the former Bull and Chain public house site.

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Other Photos
Date of photo: 2012

Picture source: Thumper