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Home > Lincolnshire > Swinstead > Blue Bell

Blue Bell

Date of photo: 2009

Picture source: Google Streetview

The Blue Bell was situated on the High Street. This grade-II listed pub was also known as The Bell Inn and is now in residential use.
The Blue Bell Inn and buildings remain as a residential home. The buildings were significantly altered in the 1800s and 1900s. Over the years the buildings have been known as The Blue Bell Inn, The Bell Inn, a Post Office and a residential home. During the 1800s the freehold was owned by William Lowe, landlord and carpenter William purchased the freehold premises when he was 48 on the 2nd August 1806, from John Coverley. The property was auctioned after his death and described as with “good stabling and other convenient buildings, carpenters’ shops, yard, garden and homestead thereunto adjoining”.
Sylvie Sweet (August 2023)

Listed building details:
Former public house, later a post office . C17, raised and altered C18 with C20 alterations. Coursed limestone rubble, yellow pantile roof with two brick ridge stacks. Two storey, irregular four bay front having off-centre C20 door flanked by single canted bay windows with fixed glazing bar lights and hipped Collyweston slate roofs. Beyond to the right a C20 garage door and to left a post box with GR cypher. To first floor are three two-light casements to eaves, one with glazing bars.

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