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Home > London > E14 > Eagle Tavern

Eagle Tavern

Date of picture: 1885

Picture source: Clare Wilkinson


The Eagle Tavern was situated at 182 East India Dock Road. This pub was present by 1869 and was tied to the Taylor Walker Brewery.  At 11.50am on 7 March (or 7 May, I have seen both dates quoted) 1945 a V2 rocket completely demolished the pub along with the adjacent convent of the Sisters of St John the Divine.  Twenty people died and a further 120 were injured.  Many of the dead had been waiting at the bus stop in front of All Saints Church.  Two days later, the then Queen paid a visit to the scene as part of her tour of East London bomb sites.  The site of the pub has never been built on since the bombing raid.

Source: Stephen Harris
My great grandfather William Robert Burton was the publican of the Eagle Tavern in 1907 and as far as we know was also the publican of the Cape of Good Hope, Commercial Rd East in 1921
Dr Rob Burton (December 2012)

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