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Home > London > N1 > Belinda Castle

Belinda Castle

Picture source: T C


The Belinda Castle was situated at 63-69 Canonbury Road. This pub is now used as a restaurant.
In the 1970s I was a dental student living in Kilburn and we used to cycle to the Belinda on a Sunday evening, from various parts of London. They used to serve draft Long Life which was great. In fact it was the only pub that I knew of at the time that sold this beer. We formed the Belinda club because we loved it so much. After kicking out, we would all cycle down to Smithfield for bacon butties at Dan's cafe, which was run by a bloke called Fred. Never understood that, but it was bloody marvellous.
Charlie John (June 2017)

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Name Dates Comments
Karen Strange 1977/1982 My parents were the publicans of this pub and we lived here for approx 5-6 years.