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Home > London > N6 > Rose & Crown

Rose & Crown

Picture source: T C


The Rose & Crown was situated at 86 Highgate High Street. This pub closed in 2012 and is now in use as a branch of Pain Quotidien.
The Laine Pub Company are hoping to reopen the former Rose and Crown in Highgate High Street under the name the Outsider. The Grade II-listed pub closed in 2012 and until recently had been a branch of the Le Pain Quotidien cafe chain. The project has however not been welcomed by some local residents. Comments made to the local newspaper, the Ham & High, included ‘You might as well stick a nightclub in between all our gardens’ and that the pub’s garden could encourage ‘large numbers’ and result in an ‘intensification’ of disruption. Laine’s however maintained that the proposals would enhance the character of the area through the creation of a new community facility which had no harmful impact. A decision is pending
London Drinker December 2021 edition

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