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Home > London > NW10 > White Hart

White Hart


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Picture source: Hania Franek

The White Hart was situated at the corner of Willesden High Road and Church Road. The original pub was rebuilt c1900 and then demolished in 2008.
The publican in 1878 was J.Vine. His name is shown on a watercolour of this pub, dated this year, showing a duck pond in the foreground.
Tim Bristol (February 2012)

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Name Dates Comments
Denis Casey c1957 My employer and "governor"was a Mr Yeates. A gentleman if ever there was one. I came straight off the boat from Dublin.
Sonia Gallagher 1980 My parents Thomas and Teresa Gallagher was the publicans. There was a big Irish community one side of the pub and West Indian clientele on other side. The nightclub on the side was closed it was called Cinderella”s. The massive car park was let to market traders
Other Photos
Date of photo: 2006

Picture source: Russell Trebor