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Home > London > SE15 > Bun House

Bun House

Picture source: Timothy Keane

The Bun House was situated at 96 Peckham High Street. A planning application has been made for use as retail units with flats above.
Source: Darkstar
The song "Behind The Bunhouse" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zAz17mbr6I) by Mystery Jets refers to this pub.
In this interview (http://deerwaves.com/interviste/intervista-mystery-jets) the singer Blaine Harrison says:
"Riguarda la rottura di un legame con il partner, come direbbero nei trailer cinematografici è “Tratto da una storia vera“. Il Bunhouse è un pub a Londra: una sera ero lì (è Blaine a parlare, ndr.) ad un party con la mia (ex-)fidanzata e abbiamo cominciato a litigare. Siamo andati dietro il Bunhouse per cercare di risolvere le cose, ma è lì che lei mi ha lasciato e la nostra storia è finita."
("It is about the end of a relationship, based on a true story. The Bunhouse is a pub in London: one night I was there at a party with my ex girlfriend and we started fighting. We went behind the Bunhouse to try to make up, but it was there that she left me and our relation ended")
Elena Pistillo (February 2016)

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Paula Rayner 1981/1983 Tenant with husband Bernie Rayner tied to Courage. We knocked through the wall that had previously divided the small Public Bar and longer Saloon Bar. Often had live music using the small stage at the rear if the Saloon Bar.

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Picture source: Ian Chapman