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Home > Middlesex > Edgware > The Boot

The Boot

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Boot was situated on Edgware Road. This pub closed in the 1960s and was replaced by the Boot Parade shopping precinct.
Source: Shelagh Chambers
I used to pass this on the 114 bus, on the way to school. The lost building was a much more attractive Victorian building than the one in the photo and was said to be a "watering hole" for the librettist W. S. Gilbert of “Gilbert and Sullivan” fame. The Edgware Road was narrower at this point and the new (horrible) shops had to be set-back further from the road to allow for road widening. It was a pleasing building and would have been ”listed" had it survived. like many losses it shut never have been destroyed.
John West (September 2024)

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