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Home > Northumberland > Wallsend > New Winning

New Winning



The New Winning was situated on Church Bank. This pub closed c2013 and is due to be converted into apartments.
Source: Justin Hulford
I used to run a folk club in the room upstairs in the pub for a few years around 1966 as a group called the Cowgate Ranters. We had some very good local singers and even some guests of renown like Dave Swabrick the fiddle player.
Ray Duffy (April 2019)

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Name Dates Comments
Gordon Nisbet 1965/1967 Loved the folk music carrying pints upstairs into the jam packed room with a fire on in winter was memorable. The music by the Cowgate Ranters and guest artists left me with a lifelong love of folk music.The Clancy’s and of course our own Geordie mining songs (blackleg minor etc)and Wallsend songs like ‘Stottin doon the rope works waal’. I remember a guy called Roxy was the club leader back then, and he organised a folk trip up to Kielder.