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Home > Oxfordshire > East Hendred > The Plough

The Plough

Picture source: Movement80

The Plough was situated on Orchard Way. This grade-II listed Greene King pub closed in 2017.
Listed building details:
Public house. Mid C17 with late C17 wing to left. Roughcast, with flush rendered quoins, probably on timber-framing; old plain-tile roof; brick ridge stack to left, C20 end stack to right. 2-storey, 2-bay range, with cross-wing of 2 storeys and attic to right. C20 three-light wood mullion and transom windows to ground floor, except 2-light wood mullion and transom window to left. 3-light wood mullion window to first floor left. 4-light wood mullion window to right  with cornice to right. 2-light wood mullion window with cornice to gable of cross-wing. Right return: 2 storeys and attic; 3-window range. Irregular fenestration of wood mullion and transom windows. Addition to left: late C17. Painted brick, except small timber-framing to left with painted brick infill; old plain-tile roof; brick ridge stack to right of centre. Single storey and attic; 4-window range. Sash doors to left and right. Two 3-light casements with segmental brick heads to centre. Gabled dormer to right. Interior not inspected.

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Picture source: Hania Franek