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Home > Oxfordshire > Great Rollright > The Unicorn

The Unicorn

Picture source: Movement80

The Unicorn was situated on the High Street and closed in the late 1980s. This grade-II listed pub is now derelict.

Listed building details:
Public house. Late C18/early C19. Coursed squared limestone with ashlar dressings; concrete plain-tile roof with ashlar and rendered gable stacks. L plan. 3 storeys. Symmetrical 3-window front has 2-light casements above the central doorway and has 3-light casements in the outer bays; all have segmental arches. Rear wing returns from left. Shallow-pitched roofs have gable parapets with projecting kneelers. Stacks have ashlar plinths but only left stack retains its ashlar shaft. Interior not inspected.

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