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Home > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Cross Keys

Cross Keys

Picture source: MJ Crook

The Cross Keys was situated on Manor Road, South Hinksey. Originally a farmhouse, following closure in 1993 it has been used as a private dwelling.
For the years 1950-4 I was a choirboy at Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, and for all of that time the Alto  Decani in the choir was Mr Reason, who we were told was the  proprietor of the Cross Keys. Sometimes the choir would sing a setting of Joseph Addison’s poem ‘The Spacious Firmament on High’.  We had a custom that when we came to the words ‘In Reason’s ear  they all rejoice’ the choir would turn and face Mr Reason.
Wilfrid Hodges (January 2021)

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Picture source: Nick Wedd