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Home > Staffordshire > Stoke On Trent > ST3 > Three Tuns

Three Tuns

Picture source: Paul Worthington

The Three Tuns was situated on Greendock Street.
 I don’t have a lot of memory living in the pub in the 70s and I’ll have to find some photos. I’m also not sure on dates however my grandparents ran this pub sometime throughout the 60s 70s and 80s until they emigrated out to Perth Western Australia to us. My grandparents were Joyce and John Carson. I am the youngest child of their daughter Lorraine who married David Spruce in 1975. We all lived at the three tuns until my 3 siblings mum and dad and myself moved to Perth in 1980 then my grandparents came over to us in 1988. My siblings are Nicky Kevin and Glenn all older than me. I have some memories living there though not many though I did go back to visit 20 years ago some young guy owned it. I hear the place burned down that was so sad.
Kerry Palmer, nee Spruce (February 2025)

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