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Home > Staffordshire > Willenhall > Rushbrooke Farthing

Rushbrooke Farthing

Date of photo: 2013

Picture source: Richard Oldbury

The Rushbrooke Farthing was situated at the corner of Sharesacre Street and St Annes Road.
My parents owned this place from 1945 until 1957.  When we lived there is was known as the Spring Vale Hotel, 119 St Annes Rd ( I don't know when the name was changed).  Part of the Spring Vale at this time was a bowling green with a large building in which refreshments were served after competitions. It accessed by a path opposite, I can remember the bowling team winning quite a few trophies.  Also my parents were responsible for all the bars and catering for the dog track nearby. 
When we lived there the place was always full and lively with a darts team as well as a bowling team, there was a large room at the top of the stairs where weddings were held
Lynn Patterson (May 2011)
Originally named The Spring Vale Tavern, it was latterly named The Rushbrook Farthing after a token used in the local area, minted by Joshua Rushbrook. The story goes that, due to a coin shortage at the time, John Austin developed the token which was paid to workers at the Austin shop to be exchanged for goods. Upon takeover of the business Joshua Rushbrook re-minted the coin which was subsequently known as the Rushbrook Farthing.
Richard Oldbury (November 2013)

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Name Dates Comments
Mark Bonner 1980/1985 Does anyone remember the landlord and landlady. Called Alec & Margaret Bonner.
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