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Home > Suffolk >
Carlton Colville > The Ship
The Ship
The Ship was situated at 403 Beccles
Road. This pub closed in
1957. |
The old Ship Inn is located in a former small
hamlet clustered around cross-roads to the north-west of the historic
village of Carlton Colville which has now been subsumed in modern
development around Lowestoft. The building is multi-phase, with the left
hand build probably of eighteenth century date and the right hand of
nineteenth century. It is clearly shown on the OS map of 1884, which
suggests that the two builds were separate structures; it is also unclear if
the row of terraced housing to the left (east) of the building was part of
the public house. By 1927, a rear wing had been added to the eighteenth
century build, still shown as separate from the right hand bay. By this time
it was also no longer labelled as an inn, which is anomalous with
documentary evidence that it closed as a public house in 1957. A photograph
of the building taken between the World Wars indicates that a first floor
opening in the eighteenth century build had already been blocked and the
outshot constructed to the front, which apparently was in use as the
stables. The building was entirely rendered and had two ridge stacks.
The building was subsequently converted into a residence, during which time
it was probably amalgamated as a structure, and interior remodelling took
place. From approximately the 1960s or 1970s, it was used purely for storage
and remains so to this day. The building has not been maintained recently
and is in a state of disrepair with considerable ivy growth obscuring most
of the back elevation and west gable end.
There have been later twentieth century alterations including the
replacement of the roof structure and replacement of some fenestration. It
is uncertain when openings in the façade were blocked or the roof raised. |
Patrick Smith (January 2025) |
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